• Site Managers

    Scott J. Baldridge, Professor of Mathematics, LSU sbaldrid@math.lsu.edu

    Thomas H. Parker, Professor of Mathematics, MSU parker@math.msu.edu


  • System Design

    This site, including the exam generator, was designed and implemented by Ryan Landay. Ryan currently works for Facebook.



    The original version of this site was developed using an N.S.F. CCLI grant by the following people.


  • Senior Personnel

    Scott J. Baldridge, Associate Professor of Mathematics, LSU, Principal Investigator.

    Thomas H. Parker, Professor of Mathematics, MSU, Principal Investigator.

    Richard Hensh, Teaching Specialist, MSU.

    Pavel Sikorskii, Senior Teaching Specialist, MSU.

    Onur Agirseven, Senior PhD student, MSU.


  • System Design

    The Exam Generator was originally implemented by Richard Hensh. Additional work was done by:

    Arka Bandyopadhyay, computer science graduate student, LSU.

    Evan Dontje, undergraduate student, MSU.

    Ryan Landay, undergraduate student, University of Michigan.

    Steven Plemmons, systems analyst, MSU mathematics department.


  • Other Contributors

    Jeffery Chapin, mathematics graduate student, MSU.

    Leah Childers, mathematics graduate student, LSU.

    Christopher Cornwell, mathematics graduate student, MSU.

    OhHoon Kwon, mathematics & mathematics education graduate student, MSU.

    Amber Russell, mathematics graduate student, LSU.